Better Motors Company Limited, a Hong Kong company established in 2000, specialises in selling & repairing of European and Japanese luxurious motor vehicles. We strive to provide one stop motor s

金堡瑪國際電業有限公司 專營各類汽車零件及汽車影音器材,公司的理念為「創新、開拓、全面」。公司負責人累積了十多年從事汽車行業的業務銷售及市場經驗,以創新手法向市場推廣及提供最優質的專家汽車產品。除本地批發外,同時亦經營海外批發,業務遠至北美洲、歐洲,近至東南亞等地。本公司經銷之產品深受同業及用家歡迎,當中代理的美國CRITICAL MASS 的真空管(膽)前置系統及MPS電子整流器更為業界帶來全

Choy Lee Motors was established in 1976, Hong Kong. The company began its business, trading public mini-buses and taxis. We were also the exclusive motor vehicle insurance agent for three insurance c

[公司簡介] 歷派軟件開發有限公司(Parellax Ltd.)是一家香港公司,國内總部設在深圳。歷派專門緻力于亞太地區服裝紡織行業中高端軟件系統的研究、開發、咨詢和實施,其知名品牌歷派MAE服裝行業ERP系統早在1998年就已成爲該行業的領導者。 歷派公司是Oracle公司的戰略合作夥伴,可以爲服裝紡織企業提供零售分銷管理系統(Distribution & Retail Solutio
G手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫Global Support Offices

E & J Floral Co. Tel : (852) 2604 1493 Fax : (852) 2607 1493 Mobile : (852) 9275 1493 Hong Kong Office : Unit B2, 13/F., Tung Chun Industrial Building, Block A, Nos.9-11 Cheung Wing Road, Kwai Ch
E鮮花及禮籃 / 園藝及盆栽E and J Floral Co

sum kan trading companu is the pioneer in pearlfield.we have started pearl business since 1985 and officially renamed sum kam diamond pearl are a reputed diect manufactrer,wholesaler
S設計 / 珠寶設計Sum Kam Diamond Pearl Co., Ltd.

Our objectives are:to promote and protect the interests of Hong Kong garment manufacturers and merchants ;to research into all matters affecting the interests of the trade;
F商業 / 會社、組織及團體Federation of Hong Kong Garment Manfacturers

Coches Trading&Consultant Ltd 聯絡:伍先生 電話:6081 1543 電郵:[email protected]

Fafa World 關於我們 本花店 Irene Florist - Fafaworld 由城市大學 SCOPE 校外課程之荷蘭農業教育 (DFA)畢業生主理. 並具多年經營花店經驗. 情人節獻禮: 對情加多點心意及心思! 今年情人節一定令你的伴侶及情侶心動! 情心奉獻花球及花束! 祝天下有情人終成眷屬! 花球 花束 其他產品 情人節日精選 植物 生日/心意

從業員協會為非牟利機構 定期舉辦資訊硏討會,交流會 展覽會,就業輔導會, 提供教學及教育或培訓課程, 產品及工具賣物會項目等。
H商業 / 會社、組織及團體Hong Kong Leather Goods Employee Association

Main Focus is an exclusive agent of several reputable brands. Such as XX HID, enon HID, Focus 7 color meter as well as the quality EL dashboard.

美容 / 化妝公主李假睫毛

國際專業驗車中心是一間為客戶提供專業檢驗車輛的公司。我們一向以信心、用心、安心三 大目標為客戶提供流動上門驗車服務,本公司的專業承諾,希望令客戶對我們有"信心",加上 驗車人員的"用心"檢驗,一切都務求為客戶"安心"地購入二手車。本公司利用各種的驗車儀器 曾為不同種類之車輛進行驗車,另外,我們擁有一隊經驗豐富的驗車人員,他們均有數年或
汽車及電單車 / 汽車及電單車優惠國際專業驗車中心 IPMC

Our Scope of Service:Performance Tuning,Alignment Service, ECU Tuning, Transmissions, Brake, Suspension Upgrade etc.

MANRICH TRADING COMPANY SILK FLOWER POTS ITEM# F83-1017415 DESC. 26" CYMBIDIUM W/POT PICTURE ZOOM Enlarge & detail .. Enquiry add to enquiry cart ITEM# F83-1017414 DESC. 16" CALLA LILY
M鮮花及禮籃 / 園藝及盆栽Manrich Trading Co

禧展藝有限公司是日本相田化學工業株式會社DAC貴金屬事業部純金純銀黏土(Act Clay Gold & Silver)的中國、香港和澳門代理,本公司導師李潔莊前赴日本總公司接受專業培訓,取得日本Act Clay World頒發認可指導證書(證書編號HK001),是本地首位認可資格的導師。 公司已在本港註冊Act Clay World的支部機構,負責: 1. 開辦日本證書課程 2. 代表日
消閒及娛樂 / 藝術及手工藝銀禧展藝有限公司

Fresh, dynamic and experienced, Easy Home is a world-class property agency committed to providing its clients w ith the highest professional standard of service.

About TradeCard We Automate Trade Transactions From Procurement Through Payment Buying and selling globally is complex, but TradeCard makes it easier - and cheaper. The Award-Winning Engine of Profit

We conduct all aspects of the sale from inspection, overseeing surveys, executing closing documents, Marine Department, registration, and recommending insurance companies

Our expertise include services to assist you with YACHT insurance, BOAT maintenance, skippers, coxswains and deckhands, mooring, berths, dry storage and debentures of leading Hong Kong Marina's
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